I got a badass shirt in my closet, it's got a peace sign! IT'S CORPORATE FECES! I like to support world peace, because I love everyone! PEACE SELLS AND YOU'RE BUYING! You spend fifty dollars on a fucking t-shirt! Just because it has a peace sign. Flower power's just a bullshit trend. HIPPIE'S CAN SUCK MY ASS! Hey everyone, let's go drop acid, and live in oblivion! ALTERNATE UNIVERSE! I think that the Beatles are the best musicians ever! NO, JUST FAMOUS! You spend fifty dollars on a fucking t-shirt! Just because it has a peace sign. Flower power's just a bullshit trend. HIPPIE'S CAN SUCK MY ASS! John Lennon had it coming! NeverShoutNever must die! Your shirt made by 50 Cambodian children, put on a shelf for you to BUY!