And again the night that has no sleep And again the day with all colors dead There is a war going on in my head And the flowers there are dying The silver horseman with a long spear Rides up the hill and dismounts The silver horseman kindles the fire The fire that burns me alive I blow out the candles And leave my home The world's not distinct But things are known The birds in the sky Black birds in the sky there … there… The horseman takes the brands To lit his pipe The sandy auster wind will fan the brands And carry the smoke to heaven So that eagles know there … there… Among the hills I will leave my body Let Guajo take my soul to heaven As a white seagull to the golden clouds So that nobody can stop its flight In transparent sadness The trees in silence The stream of thoughts was Not disturbed by word From far away world The allies called This ancient call Was so much like the Fall Among the hills I will leave my body Let Guajo take my soul to heaven As a white seagull to the golden clouds So that nobody can stop its flight I will fill my heart with wind I will revive the world with flowers I will meet the old pagan priests Behind the clouds Where words have no power Where deception has no meaning there … there Where horizon is endless Where silence is reward In two spits from heaven In two crosses from heaven I will stop the motion I will be like the smoke there … there…