With the sweepin it's the look on her face, that's got me displaced plus the fact that she's probably got no clue I'm peepin she's deep into routine cleanin off the sidewalk infront of the shop she works 1:15 am, me parked in the car on the street, maybe 30 feet from the spot she sweeps emotions achin', who is this human? and whys she chewin my attention the action, unaware, innocent, purely accident and whom I askin this? I'm alone, in the passenger seat of this [this part is bleeped out] awaitin' my companion, but damn man, she's got me distracted and it's not just the fact that she's attractive it's the whole kit-n-kabootle from the look on her face, to her taste in shoes, to the way she moves it inspires me to sit and doodle, so while I write she wipes down the tagged up picnic tables outside of the [bleeped out] it's missin not a spot and here I sit again, with a pen and a desire to be entirely lost in a world of them .. [spoken] "what do you mean you just wanna be friends.."