Beauty is to be expressed Beauty reflected Contains de ego of the heart One beauty is seen by some eyes Other eyes may see a different one Beauty it existeth not 'tis only the reflections of the heart Beauty is a force Emitted and perceived Beautiful or beautiless is only a matter of the heart 'tis only simple immaterial connexions The human being knoweth how to perceive one beauty Full of appearance and void of heart Only few of them Emit the ego of their heart Only few of them Can tell beautiful from beautiless My eyes are filled with horror Of beings so despicable Putting beauty to the measure As if it had been matter Through fortune or through fate Beauty is measured out And the measuring is done By those that have it not Oftentimes a lovely soul Showeth not what it possesseth Oftentimes an evil heart Shows what it possesseth not Look at thy heart Look at my heart Look at thy face Look at my face … nothing that thou seeth Is more real than a dream…