Come to see me and take my hand Follow me and i will give you the absolute truth Your questions about your existence and life Will be revealed with the exact answers Your thoughts poisoned with wrong ideologies A journey without map or book to believe Come to my world, not yours, yet Our covenant is made, you belong to me Free your mind and let me clarify Forget your religion and polluted mind Give me your world to dominate I'll show my divine intervention I'll tell you what is right or wrong My inhumanity is your religion Find the path, without turning left or right Follow king of all kings, ancient of all gods, Creator of all existence, forget everything Welcome my friend, step through these gates Give me your world to dominate I'll show my divine intervention I'll tell you what is right or wrong My inhumanity is your religion Give me your world to dominate I'll show my divine intervention I'll tell you what is right or wrong My inhumanity is your religion Hear! the whisper in your head is my scream... Come to me, gold, jewels, treasures waiting Hear me, for me to lead you See me, in my world, at my command Bow to me, i salute and hail I am your god now and i will rule you! Give me your world to dominate I'll show my divine intervention I'll tell you what is right or wrong My inhumanity is your religion Give me your world to dominate I'll show my divine intervention I'll tell you what is right or wrong My inhumanity is your religion