Endtime-silence reigns Someone lost control Heartless creations-the inner dies And somewhere dies the soul Grieftime-no suns to shine Something lost control Erie radiation-icy ground The dawn will never come Sleeper-your heart goes under Search for new paths of light Don't rest in the line of the fall-strenghless Weeper-your fears become greater Oceans of tears-soon to drown Quit the flock of the dead The hunt is over but shadows in your back It's still breathing in you No work in the system-the clock allows to sleep As its arms stand still Sorrow here is just a source of friction Mesmerize-no time to hear the weak The society of function Never desintegrate by being hurt I never sleep at night Under my bed there lurks a demon In my dreams the worsest of feelings Thrown into this world-what are my purposes Punished in this world for just being me Help me in these nights Feel me-all my needs Be here and lift my soul For new light to come Life does not end here New light will take my fear away And i will speak about all in my deep …when i turn to you don't leave me standing