Tales of the Ancients Now you're dead Your spirit is lost In the eternal maze of darkness A man not far his humming Hand on his luth daydreaming "Hidden behind death moon's black shadow He's crossing time's lanes looking for Another lost soul to collect in his hell Now you're his slave for eternity" "In times chasm is running a greater danger than death That lost souls scream their pain Hell's black knight his yelling victory " "Vanishing, Hidding yourself give nothing He'll come back and take us all" Your worst nightmare is now embodied In front of you a breach opens And he orders you to pass Immortal i'll be For the chaos my soul is now dadicated (Chorus) Il n'est plus maintenant qu'une âme sans mémoire. Obligé de poursuivre une mission sans espoir. Sur une planète désertée de toute vie humaine. Il ne ressent absolument ni joie ni peine Comme une bête marquée au fer rouge, il guette une proie inexistante sur une planète désormais muette.