Looking through a window. I see happy people. A couple holding each hand and not thinking black. Why am I the only one, who sees life different. Why can't I walk with her and see the good things of life. Looking around for a place to hide. Thinking about the past. That is laying behind. There was no happiness. Only pain and misery. Love wasn't at my side. Only hate for this life. Nothing to lose. Nothing to turn back for. I got no reason, reason to live. Nothing to love. Nothing to care about. I got no reason to live. In my whole life. I had this illusion. That there would be someone. Who would stop this hate in mind. Nothing to lose. Nothing to turn back for. I got no reason, reason to live. Nothing to love. Nothing to care about. I got no reason to live. Oh, precious nights. Let me in your arms. Give me internal silence and darkness which I want. Leading metal through my flesh. Feeling the pressure fade away. Reaching out my hand. Touching the face of death. His white bony hands snatching my sole away. Let the cold come over me. And take my warmth so I can be free.