Black sky covers me again Darkness causes to the pain There's no fear,only frost I slowly sank to abyss. My mind flows in the mist There's a strange feel of rest. Suddenly darkness comes away I see strange figures without faces I hear their call and go straight on Flames are around and moans, Moans of fallen compel to believe in sin But the fiery tongues don't burn me in. Blazing Inferno Is burning sinful souls Blazing Inferno Is making hearts in coals I see sadistic tortures all around Bloodsuckers licking gory wounds Their scarlet lips are smiling wide Poor victim's tears drop on the ground. Black ravens flying near arid trees Which branches strangle greedy kings Blazing Inferno Is burning sinful souls Blazing Inferno Is making hearts in coals I come in depth on rotten bones Passing through the gloomy ghosts The stuffy air squeezes my breast I come downstairs on fiery steps. I feel a burning pain in beck Bat's wings burst through with a deaf crack Blazing Inferno Is burning sinful souls Blazing Inferno Is making hearts in coals