Discomfort Scale / La Chambre Aux Malaises


[(There are five pains registery in Poddema
Every single illness or intimate pain is classified
People are subject to these various pain degrees
It develops their knowledge on the subject
Of pain and happiness boundaries
Without this experience
They consider themselves " outside humanity
And being not true human individuals
Here the narrator tells us his several months rest
In the discomforts rooms.)

-Poddema ethics on the subject of Pain and Euphoria


Oh, I'm locked in the Discomfort Room
Lying, tied by straps and chains
I stayed for months in these unbereable walls
Fearing to rest in for life

Five Pains Registers to undergo
Useful experience to feel humanity's substance

I enter the Plain and Wells Register
Composed of fan-shaped discomforts
I undergo four hundred and twelve pains
On the eleven hundred and fourty
I taste the fear, submerged in this pool

Oh, the smells of their terrific bunches
Poddema home-made bunches of pains
Composed of tortures and natural illnesses flowers!
I feel their flows and let all happiness fade away

I shall be human!

Five Pains Account to undergo
Giving birth to sui generis Euphorias
To become one with their flows
Ultimate lesson