Serpents in Paradise Corruption of human race Fallen angels, why did you fell? "We will choose wives And we'll do a new generation We will teach all of you waging war" Angels who denied the God's protection They want to remain here In the land where guilty does not exist Guided by 20 leaders These angelic hordes became our last disease They came to teach us Azazel gave us the art of doing weapons With the war, for the war, to wage war Shemhazai, leader of fallen angels He taught us how to exorcize someone These angels are connected with the evolution of human race With them we learn chemistry, war, astronomy Masters of all the types of war arts They took away the human race of his decadent lives Serpents in paradise Through them, we can practice this type of atrocity Making you bleed Feeding the world with destruction and a little of pain Selfishness Egocentrism God is not so good so He deprives his children of the right of loving Angels turned into devils Even an angel in hell can assume the form Of the devil who spies on him