You see the morning sun But you can't be the one They built around it But you can't wait As you fall deep and far You see a shooting star They built around you But you can't wait Hope is the only one If you fail, it will run It fell around you It's too late Hope is always there When all that's left is despair Hope will rain on you And soon you'll need hope too Hope is the only one Who can't escape the bitter fate It's waiting there for you for you to hold The bitter cold, the one you wanted You can feel it's warm embrace It's weary face you're much too late and It is looking down at you, you think you had The one you wanted You can walk the ring of fire The one you lost, it's your desire You can't break free You're bound by fate It reaches out to you It wants to rule you too You can't break free You're bound by fate You try to turn away It's with you til the grave It fell around you You're bound by fate