I'm brushing teeth but a coca cola tin can. Home made brewed, bottled in Japan. VCR's playing candid accidents. Happy New Year, signed with compliments. Take it, take it if you want it. Take it, take. Cigarettes cure, yes they do heal but they cost as much as a Mcmeal. Leave your eyes at home, but they all say "might as well wear a condom all day". Take it, take it if you want it. Don't act as if you were a hundred. Take it, take it if you want it. Take it, take it, goddamn it. Should it be salad or Kentucky fried. 24 And I can't decide. Chinese drown but I think it's odd. They're totally completely real but not. Take it, take it if you want it. Don't act as if you were a hundred. Take it, take it if you want it. Take it, take.