She took those words right out of my mouth, you know, and made me feel like a complete asshole. Can you imagine when you feel like a fool. I got a major degree in blowing my cool. No I don't need a cigarette man, and don't ask me why. Hey, do I look as if I wanna pick up a guy. We talked for hours, she finally said yes, so you should have seen my face when I spilled coke on her dress. Big man, happy man tries to act real slick. Words ain't written but they're already a classic. Big man, sad man turns out to be a prick. Oh man, it's such a classic. The goddamn evening was getting out of hand quickly, so I mentioned the fact that I played bass in a band. She turned to me and said:"Are you a slob? Don't you think you people better find yourself a job?" Big man, happy man tries to act real slick. Words ain't written but they're already a classic. Big man, sad man turns out to be a prick. Oh man, it's such a classic.