As You Drown

You Should Be Paranoid

As You Drown

Their eyes behind every corner, their ears around every bend
Big brother rears his ugly fascist head
Forcing you to your knees, again

Watching you!
Peeping toms with gun and badge
Controlling you!
Your freedom raped by government

Liberty's last dying breath
Killed by the fear mongering swine of the earth

Hide from their gaze in the veil of the night
Learn to stay covered and just out of sight
Death takes all who step in the light of the rulers

Watching you!
Prisoner of the camera eye
Controlling you!
We're under siege, you should be paranoid

Guilty of being alive
Captured in light
Liberty's last dying breath
Killed by the fear mongering swine of the earth

Let your darkness shine, hide me from their light
Let your darkness shine, cover me from their eyes

Cut off the head of the serpent, sever the head of the state
Eradicate all the watcher's perverted pigs
Drown them before it's too late