Replace the awkwardness of stares With some form of conversation This is a failing attempt to avoid all forms of confrontation So sit back, relax, enjoy the ride Take back in your eyes This isn't a feeble attempt or a cry for attention These nights bring out the worst in us What am I in for? A mystery or a monstrosity? From the top down to the low It's understood and mutual That there's nothing quite right in being quiet If silence is all we know From the top down, looking down...down Through the change of perspective Our comprehension is hindered By the sound of the sound This is not a means for an end But a chance for something different These nights they bring out the worst in us What am I in for? With every move that I make Brings it closer to the light of day Closer in my mind when I awake Fact or fiction? Just take it for what it's worth The weight that I bare Is overpowered by the affection That I can't show Fact or fiction Just take this for what it's worth