Zajrzales do swiadomosci swej Wtargnales na sciezki mysli Dokad idziesz ? Dokad gnasz ? Dotarles do granic mozgu Dotarles tam - co ujrzales ? Po co idziesz ? Dokad gnasz ? Dlaczego nie chciales mi wierzyc Dlaczego nie chciales mnie sluchac Tak trudno jest ludziom umierac Jak trudno bylo Ci zyc [English translation:] [Quo Vadis] You have looked inside your head You have invided to idea's paths Where - do you go? Where - do you chase? You have reached to the end of brain You have reached there - what do you see? What for - do you go? Where - do you run? Why didn't you want to trust me Why didn't you want to hear me It's hard to die to people As it's hard to live to you You didn't want to belive in love And you made the last step Where - do you go? Where - do you run?