As Oceans

Awaken The Serpent

As Oceans

A bravery to explore the uncharted
While in suspicion our minds can be bordered
But have no use for a map, heart ache the enlightened
All have shared
Misinterpreted by the ones who make logical
Decency appear impossible
Worshipping a shell as a beacon of pride

The Witness will not retribute your hatred

Find reflection in the flowing river of connected trails
Dealt a different hand upon every turn, proving the outcome can never be the same
This contradiction makes a life like this possible to bear

The Witness will not retribute your hatred
Of the subtle breaks between the separated self

Mongers of tragedy who hide behind disintegrating shields
Claiming acts supported by an adored fear
By having tasted liberation my whispers have changed
Into the echoes of a shattered fist and a torn apart throat