Hail the sinking boat Surrender hope of vessels stout and guaranteed to float The sea will sway But rummaged rock is all that's left of home Satiate with waves or hide and wait to explode When gods of every faith can't fit into one sky Stay, it's comfortable Work against the state and you'll find pain The miracle faded when you tried to climb out Aim with your satellites Stay safe while our race expires Claim stake when you're obliged Save face and fire in the night We've cauterized wounds inflicted By alienation of those beyond our sight Denaturalized, the displaced provide asylum For our careless privileged kind Counting shells until sleep Afraid to dream and believe that the initiative lost Children know the difference between rockets And sounds of the dud barrel bombs Surrendered is pure adolescence Childhoods are robbed Pounded into the streets Still holding out for relief that's proven to be far off Slay the barbarous With the will of God we'll kill them all A meaningless death is not what we had sought out Aim with your satellites Stay safe while our race expires Claim stake when you're obliged Save face and fire in the night As we look on Helplessly veiled with shock Life still goes on Desensitized with suffocating denial Hail the sinking boat Surrender hope of vessels stout and guaranteed to float The sea will sway But rummaged rock is all that's left of home Aim with your satellites Stay safe while our race expires Claim stake when you're obliged Save face and fire in the night As we look on Helplessly veiled with shock Life still goes on Desensitized with suffocating denial