Art In Manila

Golden Dawn

Art In Manila

And trash furnishing your room
He claims to be from God
But, when was God this cold?
He said 
"Son, get on your knees 
And pray to me
With your mother 
I'll do what I please"
A colony of emotionless beings

Children, find your song
And let it take you 
To the golden dawn
See, old man 
You done us wrong
You ain't no saint
And I'm not your son
I've never been your son

A blue ascending moon
Mocks you from the sky
A tall blue on your roof
And tears in your eye

He said "Son, get on your knees
You'll be redeemed"
But the Lord's so far from here
A distant dream 
A nightmare's scream

Children, find your song
And let it take you 
To the golden dawn
See, old man, you done us wrong
You ain't no saint
And your time is done 
Your time is done

Don't let it all take you away
The property of love
Children, find your gun
And let it take you 
To the golden dawn

Said, old man 
You done us wrong
You ain't no saint
And I've just begun
Life's just begun
Children, find your gun