From the rascendental starry sky an unconscious tie, Atmospheric and universal Outside of any bundle of light and life A united spirit and flesh divide in the night United in the ill pact with the darkness And when the sun dies I still live And when my sunset will arrive my star I will discover And for ever in the desolate sky Walk on the otherside of the moon In the sign of the stars... ...On the veil of the sky I slide Trascendental journey on my star Towards the celestial beauty Trascendental journey on my star Towards the infernal beasts The cult of the trascendental starry sky Shining and destructive And in every place I will die In every grave that my corpse will discover my star Not far I will find in the sign of the stars On the veil of the sky I slide trascendental journey on my star Towards the celestial beautys Trascendental journey on my star Towards the infernal beasts I am walking and seek my ill star I am walking under a satanic prophecy United in the ill pact with the darkness In the sign of the star I am walking on the veil of the sky and find hell Is satan my star?