A gorgeous melancholic night A celebral light from the moon The night house of the demon Melancholy deep sensation of soul The moon queen of the night and my grave is up high A grave open to the sound of my guitar in this cemetary As dead I don't fell me around these dreadful tombstones My name isn't there A gorgeous morning of spring A real light from the sky The sky my soul is there An extreme sensation of a true death perversion and tranquillity And blood sins rape a masochist in silence And in silence the pain from a cruel executioner in the sky All this is pleasant The thoughts are hidden A gorgeous sunset of winter A colorful darkflash A sunset that takes the end of my life The snow of winter The landscape dies all around The cold of the mountains in snow The fog of the times raises the spirit of the dead The white paradise and the black hell are here A gorgeous moon domain on me I follow the shadows of the moon and his light gives the road perversion The perverse moon watch the moon and his acts of masochism Intense deep sick rotten putrid harmful And dark watch the moon fucking with night And watch the masturbation of the sky And the vomit of the stars The domain of the moon pray this because the time isn't infinite The domain of the moon look at the eyes of the moon The domain of the moon pray this because the day finishes The domain of the moon look at the perversion of the moon