Absconding the present Suspended between A cerebral future and a skeletal past. You'll wake up one day Realizing it's still yesterday. We will give a dawn to your endless night. Men is what we are Neither gods nor animals. Many are what they want Becoming one and sometimes both. Mean appearance For those who look into your soul. May you be a man? Simply human, nothing more. They wish to forget Trying to disguise it. They are ashamed, why? Just betwixt and between. Hypocrites! Angels made up of shit is what you are Fools…used to the need of feeling Free to be not well. Bigots…holders of a never fixed truth. Cowards…navigators of muddy minds Fearing the flatness of the Earth. You are slaves without master. The guilty one suspects all. Self-betrayers of yourselves. Virgin mothers of fatherless daughters.