All is still quite unreal like if I would wander in a dream about to wake up yet falling deeper. I am still haunted by the questions that carry the answer deep within. Do I regret? (the other I in me meditated) -Oh yes I do perhaps, but not in ways that...(a moment of silence) are based on conceptions of "right" or "wrong". I do not know... (quieten down) if I am the person that the mirror reflects. And so I kept floating without will of own yet what is lost isn't measured with the scale of pain. Therefore the key didn't fit to the gate I was meant to walk through. Do I regret? - Oh yes I do perhaps. "An angel with golden wings descended from the clouds. It sat on my shoulder and told me to look through her eyes. The times were different and out of curiosity I allowed myself to fall and to fall again and again..." In front of reality I am filled with doubt. How to define time and from where to start the count? Sixth day from what? Six days from where? Am I lost in the maze of this acid sphere... Do I regret? - Oh yes I do (not)