Fallen angels, come dance with me for on the path of sweet misery I rejoice, I invite you to drink this wine with me to my new flesh, to my new birth for my new existence I've risen to. First... For the life eternal I'll shed the tears of innocence. Second for the hate for which I drain your fear. Third for the night, which cloaks me in the shades and fourth for my revulsion, as reward. Under the cloak of darkness I am waiting, just waiting and watching you walking by. As the scorn glance is laid upon me you'll see me as your redeemer for the blade is my crucifix. Sight, so beautiful. Tensed and pure. I devour you one by one, poor souls cold and torn. Drunken from vigour, I can hear the dirge of angels choir. This is how the death plays its symphony, with orchestra of four. Under the cloak of darkness I am waiting, just waiting and watching you walking by.