Look around you'll see that we've been backed against a wall This is our country this is our land and we'll not let her fall The eagle flies above our heads to keep the skinhead strong And we have the pride to say we'll die with our boots on (chorus) We gotta find out who speaks the truth, and we gotta watch our backs to see who shoots The way of life is inherited, when the changing of the guard begins I wanna have fun before the traitors win and I wanna have a say at the media hate Well the battle ground is handed down, when the changing of the guard begins The power of the people Keeping information from the people We never run when the traitor scum With our boots and bombers we'll march on eternally (chorus) We're looking for the few the proud to stand against our foes For the future of the fatherland and our message of You can never buy or sell us for commercialism's sake And the people will be proud to take our place (chorus)