Oime, what have I become? A wanderer, I am roaming the seven seas Oh how I crave to leave the darkness Oh wise one don't take my flame away My heart will stay with her forever A hero, a warrior, a slayer In the seven seas In the dark evil seven seas In the cold silent seven seas I will dwell forevermore You are the deceiver, the fool The devourer, the tool And you're breaking all my rules You dare to come into my house And insult my spouse But I'm coming for you Oh athena Rescue me from this evil Well I've been through worse As I recall, the sirens are calling The one-eyed is falling Across the deadly sea That's how I came to be A hero of my land, oh my lost ithaca I've been through war and pain I know it was in vain If not for the trojan horse The walls would never fall I faced the giant beast The witch that gave me peace The snake.eyed siren song That put my heart at ease The suitors failed to see That they could not compete And as I strained the bow And cleaned the floor from teeth My thoughts went to my son Watching the setting sun He is the only one, The strength to carry on As I recall the years I fought a thousand fears The view of ithaca, beloved ithaca