Soon you'll know I lead a double life Telling you lies, causing unjust strife Just don't forget you're still my wife Spend time with Chet till I threaten his life! Now you're exposed, slight change of plans! You've been caught with another man! Both on this mission till this jet lands! Doing whatever the task demands! I know you're telling! Whoa oh oh! You know I'm telling! Whoa oh oh! We know he's selling! Whoa oh oh! True! Lies! Crave excitement, can't tell the truth Want to meet for lunch, you've got an excuse I know what you're doing with the poseur sleuth He's just with you cuz he thinks you're loose! Now he's exposed, slight change of plans! He'll never get the chance to squeeze your cans! Both on this mission, till this jet lands! Doing whatever the task demands! (chorus) Working as a team, the way it should be Discovered the secret, both you and me All we need is trust, now we can see We're still together, but twice as free! Now I'm exposed, slight change of plans! In the line of duty, crush dogs with my hands! Both on this mission, till this jet lands! Doing whatever the task demands! (chorus)