My name is not Quaid! What the fuck did I do wrong? Suddenly I see I don't belong Ask about the future, don't know the past The thoughts in my mind don't seem to last! My whole life is just a dream Now I know what I could've been I want to climb the mountains of Mars With wholesale memories, I'm in charge! Get your ass! Get your ass to Mars! Get your ass! Get your ass to Mars! The blood on my hands is not a delusion The corpse of my wife adds confusion Consider this a final divorce When I'm on Mars I'll find the source! Last Resort is where I'll go For three-tittied ladies, don't you know I want to climb the mountains of Mars Wholesale memories! I'm in charge! (chorus) You idiot! You blew my cover! They'll kill us all! Mutated head protrudes from a belly Speaking from lips that look like jelly Five kids to feed, that's what I hear From Benny the man who got me here They're all traitors, none I can trust Screw you benny! That's a must I want to climb the mountains of Mars Wholesale memories! I'm in charge! Go! Go!!! Benny! Here! Screeeewww yoooou! See you at the party, Richter!