Arkhon Infaustus

Domination Xtasy

Arkhon Infaustus

Orgiastic murder 
Blood on the ground 
A body for an altar 
She draws the sign of her inner hell... 
In this dark dungeon 
A dark sexual mass 
The corset tormentor 
With dildos and handcuffs 
Brings her soul to xtasy 

Bondaged he cries 
Sodomized he screams 
She spits on your face 
Like the wimp on his cross, soon you will die! 

The dark mistress always sucks down the dead 
The dark mistress only sucks down the dead 
Your death makes her cum 

A fistfucking prayer, an angels requiem 
The whore queen commands 
He obeys randy and thanks his executioner 

She lashes the air with the devil's tail 
Her eyes filled with hate, "obey to get her down" 
Hurt me, love me, she's a pain paid hooker 
You're my pain, my goddess... worship her cunt you slave! 

The empress has left 
Her slave sleeps forever 
The praying mantis is satisfied till another night 
Next night, she'll come 
Just for you... your death'll make her cum!