Splendid torrent, cascading down Foaming fury, from a furrowed brow Wide the spaces, frozen free Alone he wonders, to vex this dim sea Souls once toiled, now flesh that creaks In pale abstraction, their spirit sleeps A vain existence, nothing remains Peculiar essence, faint in the brain A shape determined with ageless sight To bathe himself in grim twilight A strange light glowing, From outer depths Bearing down, into flesh Strange habitation, a phantom crew Take the places, they once knew Raise the sails, Tonight our course is hell! The creak of wood, the rattle Of bones shall serve the swell! All are wearing the ocean's crown Deep voices calling their senses down With fearsome laughter, The rumbling sea will shield the world, With endless grief Star thrown spears, malignant glare A pale light ponders, What he's caught there A death taunt traveller, illusion free Rides those waves, With strange buoyancy The broken backs of the dead Scaffold him where angels tread