Well, little baby I'm a little bit shy But once you know me It'll be all right We can go on a date Take you on a scary trip To firecrack ...! Too many nights all alone at home Me and the tv playing telephone By the time my answer gets through You tell me ... My sense tell me "go on, Get on with the race" My senses tell me "just go on, And tell them you won" The grammy, the oscar, The world (x2) And you and i, we should go inside Look at cards and commit suicide Tv won't tell me the news Me and my fucking shit Break out your noose! My senses tell me "go on, Get on with the race" My senses tell me "just go on, And tell them you won" The grammy, the oscar The world The grammy, the oscar Oh no! December 1st, 1921 Me and your mama Started having fun And why didn't she Come out of you? Like a .. bitch She took a .. screw! My senses tell me "go on, Get on with the race" My senses tell me "just go on, You know that you've won" Don't worry The grammy, the oscar The world The grammy, the oscar A lover! My senses tell me "just go on, And tell them you've won" My senses tell me "go on"