
The Grenadier



Cowardice absent from the soul of the trooper
Outnumbered to storm breaches in the siege
Fearsome and mounted grenadiers stand alone
Aiming and timing are prerequisites for success

Iron ball packed with volatile explosive powder
Metal stones awaiting to become shrapnel

Flawless reputation and acquired skill
In soldiers appointed to protect the King

Flintlock fusils, and slinging muskets
Wide brimmed hats made of bearskins
Coped crowns on furred caps
Uniforms evolve but their spirit unchanged

Flawless reputation and acquired skill
In soldiers appointed to protect the King

Flintlock fusils, and slinging muskets
Wide brimmed hats made of bearskins
Coped crowns on furred caps
Uniforms evolve but their spirit unchanged

Strategist of war in various campaigns
Persecuted by the constant fear of
Dismemberment by friendly fire