Ode of sublimity, seem to the guide my tryst of adumbration, seance of rebirth awake troughfully, ascent in solitude perfervid for her blessing, murmuring with turpitude Enigma macabra, subserve of no-compassion proxima penumbra a grimgift of dignity ET MENTIS NOSTRAE TENEBRAS GRATIA TUE VISITATIONIS ILUSTRA OURIAED ACRIMONIA ( CHORUS ) DEA MATER EFFLUVIUM NIGRUM, NIGRUS, NIGRO SINE UT MORTUI SEPELIANT MORTUOS SUOS Carnificina-emerges between your confused eyes of adaptation to evaporation, nigrification´s purge transmutation, mortification....a desolation of the eternal absolute ( CHORUS ) DEA MATER EFFLUVIUM NIGRUM, NIGRUS, NIGRO SINE UT MORTUI SEPELIANT MORTUOS SUOS Calavaria invades the whole hollowing extreme of the devouts segmentation, a deformation..... a liberation of joyless deprivation, abomination.....evolves the internal absolute!!!!