A taste of radiation and the vision appears Challenge infinity to chart the mind of God Party dogma galvanized by blind faith At the point of Grace - place your faith and cower Crawl the heroes' graves on your knees, waves and waves of sickness churn Blazing altar of wormwood - half-life contaminate - endless burn The beast shudders towards its destiny One - twenty-three- forty-four, Prometheus' throne ablaze The angel's dusty halo burns and radiates Liquidators choke and vomit out their souls Crawl the heroes' graves on your knees, waves and waves of sickness churn Blazing altar of wormwood - half-life contaminate - endless burn Dancing with the heathens Bend your will - absolve your sins Place your faith and cower Clutching the savior's beard as he falls To look back now would be your fall There is no return…