Somewhere away from here, But nowhere. Anywhere but here. Filth and decay, Depression and dismay. As the scum flood the streets, On any given day. And more than appalling, Are the vermin that are crawling, Amongst the mindless zombies, Just making their way. Just once more day To count down until death. Trail in the sky, Flesh and blood until we die, There's no fire, No desire, There's no light, There's no life. There's no more struggle, There's no thought, No pain, No joy, And no resistance. But can you change the way The world revolves around Meaningless distance? Trails in the sky, Flesh and blood until we die, No questions asked, Till at last, We lie down, In the ground. With the illusion of a space, A place, And peace, For every being. How can a billion selfish creatures Possibly find any meaning? Somewhere away from here, A place with life or love or fear. Or maybe nowhere is better Than here. Mindless and numb, Live for money Live for fun. Nauseating at the sight Of each and every one. An how many more will be born, Just to have their souls Cleanly torn away, To be fed to the machine they call Daily living? It's sick… Trails in the sky, Flesh and blood until we die, There's no fire, No desire, There's light, There's no life. Somewhere away from here, Or maybe nowhere is better Than here. Nowhere, Anywhere but here…. Nowhere….