Arautos do Rei

We Are Just Like One

Arautos do Rei

We have come from Brazil with a message of peace
In this hope we believe 'cause in Jesus we sing
Our hearts now can feel what the eyes can not see

It doesn't matter the place you live
Or what's the language you have to speak
If we can trust the same Jesus
We are just like one

Oh, one in His spirit, one in His power
One in the preaching of His coming
One in His great love
One in His faith
In Jesus we are one

If the Lord is with us
No one should stand apart
Race and color disappear
When we look deep inside
For each one in this world
Jesus suffered and died

Oh, one in His spirit, one in His power
One in the preaching of His coming
One in His great love
One in His faith

His faith, it doesn't matter the place you live
Or what's the language you have to speak
If we can trust the same Jesus
We are just like one