Through the night howl in the sky Through the hoof-beats of thunders In the cry of the unborn child In the shadow of the past Beyond the thin line of the horizon Beyond the most daring visions of poets The myth that reached the verges of everything was born Ate the gods and cast the shadow over the universe And in its shade was born again Being absent, it wanders among us Dwells in every atom of the world Deludes minds and souls Of the sensitive creatures that call themselves Its chosen ones Now, it is a source of knowledge for us Showing us the way we will walk on Pointing the goals we want to achieve In the shadow of its membrane wings As long as the abysses of the ocean and curved spaces of the universe Remain undiscovered mystery So long as he remains the first god in the pantheon Forever When you will see a phantom shadow In the night sky beware Even if it is only a dream You will recognize him seeing his washed away, full of tentacles face And the pair of membrane wings Which will tuck in the night and the world and you It will be the time of the awakening Of the great Cthulhu