He is beside skulked not hidden He looks and listens for the omen of the right time To open the gates for them... He is not a guard of the gate He is a silver key Time and space are his poisoned arms He is the essence of the old gods Everything and one - Nyarlathotep In wisdom and madness of the ancient Arab His true name is buried And christened by the blood of millions unknown races It is a stigma of evil in the ocean of the Universe I got to know his mystery Living messenger of gods Who can see with our eyes Dreams our dreams Breathes the same air... He became a human assuming the form strange to his nature Stepped down among humans He is everyone and he is in everyone Close is the time When the human hands Will uncover twisted, sparrow-hawk's claws And at night, in the mist tangled by the poisoned wind He will find the gates older than the human race Behind which, the tangles of Azathoth twist... ...he departs to his branch The black emperor of not extinguished flames In the smoke of incense, among the whispers of priests The stigma of his name will remain marked Pronouncing his blasphemous name You make him present Beware, beware, then he will see you Only the engravings tainted by his shadow remained In the ruins of forgotten cities Hidden in the desert sands And in the abysses of the deepest oceans The frosty Kadath called him Out there, he awaits the time When the Earth will be young again