April Ethereal

Al Azif

April Ethereal

On a sun burned plain 
Where the thousand years sand hid the ruins 
Of the city of columns where 
No man has ever lived 
I stand in the middle of the circle of salt 
I draw with my crow claw 
The name of the ancients 
Who are remembered only by the time 

In the name of Nyarlathotep 
I conjure Yog Sothoth 
"The one who lives among shadows" 
To show me the way 
I tremble seeing how the eye of the moon 
Uncovers pale stumps of the ancient city 
Like claws of the gigantic corpse 
Shining venomous glare of decay 

I fall on my face, in the middle of the circle 
I twist and twine in pain 
Something stitched my bowels 
Like oil, was poured into my bones 
Heaven was covered by the misty glow 
Stinking and cold - unimaginabily evil 
"The one who has no name" noticed me 
From behind the abyss of time and the angles of space... 

I heard the hum of worms 
And the flapping of millions of small wings 
I know that my time is running out 
Becuse "The one who has no name" leads me... 
For my name is Abdul Alhazred 
And I wrote down the names of unknown creatures 
I will be cursed by nations and gods 
As long as the human race thinks that it rules the world...