Manipulating the mechanisms of deceit A fake name for insecurities You hide so well & better than I do My bones have ceased to comply with body movement & I'm staying put I've exposed this so take it or leave it Run like you will My bones have ceased to comply with body movement & I'm staying put I've exposed this so take it or leave it Run like you will Not comfortable in this skin Let me burn it away & rebuild It will bring harm to the house of the heartless As I use my heart less Innocence is absent I'm ruined but I must rebuild Cracked skin, dry, & boneless Maturity lies at the heart of this So let's put some truth to this I have to put this to an end You've used my electronic window For far too long now to hide behind We've seen your true colors A child sown into the womb of the bitterness Manipulating mechanisms of deceit A fake name for insecurities That you hide so well & better than I do & when the sun sets I hope we're nowhere to be found & I hope that I can't see you I'm with your ghost now I'm met with familiar smells Nostalgia has gripped me I'm with your ghost now Paralyzed I'm with your ghost now I'm met with familiar smells Nostalgia has gripped me I'm with your ghost now Paralyzed I'm with your ghost