Determined for vengeance he was Sold to a nation cold! Raised out of ashes and crime Stiff-necked and remorseless Futility's womb bears fruit again Burning like a cataract in those eyes Inhaled the strength of evil prevail A figment of the brain was what u were told Proclaiming your insanity to carry out the surgery No feelings left aside there's only life and death A non existing man that kills for no reason U makes me fucking sick! Obtain pure terror for the greater good Feast of human sorrow and enjoy others suffering Pretend to be the savior, the holy masquerade, u bathe in others blood What did u do to me? I don't know who I am and more We didn't do nothing you were sick and needed help, some serious help This has gone way out of our hadns, we need to end this properly U can't do like this there and lwaws and orders to be followed! Determined for vengeance he was Sold to a nation cold! Raised out of ashes and crime Stiff-necked and remorseless Futility's womb bears fruit again Burning like a cataract in those eyes Inhaled the strength of evil prevail A figment of the brain was what u were told Proclaiming your insanity to carry out the surgery