


Cornelius - was favored by God 
He prayed to him constantly, daily 
Oh, Cornelius was in the army 
A pagan believer from Rome 
Cornelius! An angel from God 
Came straight to the spot he was praying 
Oh, Cornelius! Acts 10 in verse 3 
The angel said Peter must come to your home 
Makin' lunch in the afternoon 
Where was Peter? Up on Simon's roof 
He went up on top to pray 
And the Lord sent some men there to take him away 
Cornelius said, "Hey, can we start? 
We're waitin' upon what you're sayin'" 
So Cornelius, fell down on his knees 
But Peter said "Please do not" so - he got up 
True salvation! They trusted in Him 
They called on the Lord there on that day 
To the nations that once were in sin 
God opened the doors there on that day