Under the wheels of confusion Sliping in the curves of this highway Don't know where I come from Don't know where I'm going. Faster than the speed of the heart Being caught in the meat grinder At the comedy, and tragedy, and stupidity I laugh I have a smile on my ugly face. I am a victim, a victim o'velocity Are we all victims, victims o'velocity I am a speed freak, a victim o'velocity We are just speed freaks, victims o'velocity. Tomorrow's dream lies behind me As a cornucopia of ruins I drive in another dawn While I curse (again) the ways of mankind. The cries of pain still echo Inside my mind without end Six billion dead fight for a coffin In a spherical graveyard. They are all victims, victims o'velocity We are all victims, victims o'velocity There are no more victims, victims o'velocity We are all speed freaks, victims o'velocity.