Lover Please go to bed Because at night My heart is beating I don't think that you know what girls from the midwest are all about And I hope you never visit New York City Or the East Coast or anything ever again Because you're fucking worthless capitalist motherfuckers And I hate all of you I'm lookin at you and you, you've not got that look in your eye She's hot but nobody wants to get shot My car's drunked and the limousine's polished like a golden prize When her hand is cold, I turn up the fire She's a cold little girl with a tight little fist and a face like a nemesis I'm a gun, you're a ho Fire! There's a couple over there who wants to get up and never pushed in your chair Can I get a break or what? Let me take it Take me to your secret spot Lover Please go to bed Because at night my heart is beating Oh lover, stay home instead (At night) At night I'll find you sleeping I've got like, a sponsorship by the case load You've got to come agitate and (and) magistrate come Fire! She's got an ATM that doesn't work but you can relax, she's got cash She's like a machine of a dream Fire! As soon as she sips on a drink she's done, I'm up one Can I, can I can I c-can I c-c- That girl's got lots of money But she still wants her money (Take me to your secret spot) She's in the mood for something tasty I think you know what I mean