Feeding the fetor a new time When I enter the shelves with my prey Dripping with half a soul, weakening They linger until the collapse of organism When the body turned cold on the floor It is time to perform the ritual To experience their purification I rip the entrails from their piss-mugs Souls will have no possibilities to break off this fucking hell They would get corroded and erased by the scant rotting air Their hollow god has forsaken them, present is just their perish No sign will ever get to the outside world were real amentia exists Ripping, disembowel Careful purification act But the rest next the vitals will be modest morselled Souls will have no possibilities to break off this fucking hell They would get corroded and erased by the scant rotting air Their hollow god has forsaken them, present is just their perish No sign will ever get to the outside world were real amentia exists