The water is a glaze Like loneliness at ease with itself I cast and close my eyes for the whir out across the water The line striking the surface And sinking I like waiting For it to settle on the bottom Then I jig it up a little I imagine The lure in utter dark I play it lightly, fish rise Just shy of the surface They play their glints Off the Moon on the water I see too my own loneliness It's not too big And it breathes easily Soon, it may pretend it's rain Soon, it may pretend it's rain Rain blurs the water There is nothing wrong With rain I take a deep breath and I cast And cast Say you are out for a walk And somewhere through the trees You walk out of everything in your head Or off by a window in thought And what you look out to A crease of trees perhaps you don’t see at all But what you are thinking there in the trees As you open like this through a window Or walk and walk into a glazing Then say darkness falls Darkness farther back than the cave you felt into Farther back than violence to animals Darkness farther back than water you dove into Hands in front of your face To feel your way down and know This darkness did not begin did not gather Then something backing off it seems as you come in Re-renters you and crosses you over The sleep of the living and the dead Big frogs croak Baby frogs slither I’d rather go broke Than not be with her Bull frogs croon Slugs wiggle wider I’d live in ruin To lie down beside her