I've never told this to anybody before, Miss Sweeney. It's the Oakleigh family secret. There's something dark and savage in our blood. In mine especially. You see... Long, long ago, So long ago I hardly know when, My great-great-grandmother Now and then Stepped out with a gypsy. Of course she will say she was A little bit tipsy. But tipsy, no, no. Of their love there wasn't a doubt, So I can't wait to get the stage all set So I can let the gypsy in me out. Hiding away There's a little bit of gypsy in me Just hanging around Till that magical night When the stars by their light Give mystery to the sleeping lagoon, While a haunting guitar Not too near, not too far, Gaily hums away, Strums away A titillating tune. When I'm there in the dream With the one in the world I worship passionately, At the moment supreme Will be shown the unknown Gypsy in me.