.Quem vides Satanas est! Utor libris, animus sine cultura fructuosus non est!! Nitor hasta, fruor otio, timeo te, timeo tibi... Lustitia suum cuique tribuit, quae dico vera sunt! Quam quisque norit artem in hac se exerceat. Qui doctiorem emendat,errat!!! Quod multi et ii docti saepe fecerunt... Ubi sunt ergo isti qui iracundiam utilem dicunt? Tibi suadeo mactare diis victimas! Huius comoediae personae sunt multi, meum est docere, tuum est discere, tuum est unius videre... ...Est mihi nomen Diabulus!!! .Abi in malam pestem, Timor mei, timor nostri! Abi in malam pestem, ubi terrarum sumus?! Abi in malam pestem, Dei fame interiit! Abi in malam pestem, primus liber est de contemnenda morte... ...Inconsultus, inconsideratus, detestabilis,pestis...Pestis!!! .( Translation ): .Who do you see is Satan! I use the books, soul without culture is not a prosperous soul!! I lean on a spear, I enjoy the leisure, I fear you, fear for you... The justice gives to each one what is yours, what I say is true! That each one practise the art that knows for better. Who correct the most wise, fail!!! Thing that many times even the most wises did... Where are the ones who want the cholera useful? I advise you to sacrifice victims to the gods! The characters of this comedy are many, my duty is to teach, your duty is to learn, only you are able to see... ...My name is Devil!!! .Go to hell, my fears are our fears! Go to hell, In what part of the planet are we?! Go to hell, God died of starvation! Go to hell, the first book is about the contempt of death... ...concealed, inconsiderate detestable, the pest...The pest!!!