Obsolete images are rising into the head foreign signs so many and confused behind those walls liars, choked features every of them, recall blurred remembrances. So fierce and disgusted appear in those eyes plunging into those accidental pictures vexed from every sound, from every smell for the afraid, to come back perceive their dust. Here they recall inevitable Here they recall forcefully The wails, the slashes, the chilling-heat of dispersal. Frustrated, neglected souls buried in the unknown they recall a way to return to hurt. They laugh like a drain, in rapture mesmerizing and awakening blurred frames indelible nightmares reclaiming their right of been alive, (reclaiming their right of been alive). Can't disappear, escape or forget, don't cloak this frustrated desperation. Whereas they are destined to hunt, every image is menacing those eyes and the desperation laugh. Here they recall without control the instability of thoughts make servants and gaolers of time everything remains without explain. One of those days they would arise one of those days they would come back to light. Here they recall, inevitable.